
Database ComponentDefinition case class Database() extends Cell[DatabaseConfig] with ServiceSupport DescriptionComponent for database interaction. Clients of this component send a DBStatementRequest or StoredProcCall to initiate a group of Database Operations. When…


Record TaggerDefinition class RecordTagger() extends Cell[Config] DescriptionComponent that receives Record instances and tags them according to a function specified in the config and applied to the Record itself. This component…


Abstract Accumulation SorterDefinition abstract class AccumulationSorter[T: TypeTag](implicit TCTag: ClassTag[T]) extends Cell[AccumulationSorterConfig[T]] DescriptionComponent which sorts messages of type T in the order determined by the compare function lessThan provided within the…


Abstract Entity MatcherDefinition abstract class EntityMatcherComp[M1: TypeTag, M2: TypeTag, OUT: TypeTag] extends ComponentContract class EntityMatcher(implicit M1CTag: ClassTag[M1], M2CTag: ClassTag[M2]) extends Cell[EntityMatcherConfig] DescriptionThis is a parametrised component matching two streams of…


Buffer String UnmarshallerDefinition case class BufferStringUnmarshaller() extends Cell[Config] DescriptionThis component receives indexed byte buffers from a data source and interprets their content as a sequence of delimited strings codified with…


Abstract Delimited String To Entity MapperDefinition class DelimitedStrToEntityMapperComp[T](implicit tag:TypeTag[T]) extends ComponentContract { abstract class DelimitedStrToEntityMapper() extends Cell[Config] { ... } } DescriptionComponent receiving String and applying a split operation to…