I/O Components

Directory Watcher ComponentDefinition case class DirectoryWatcher() extends Cell[Config] with ServiceSupport DescriptionThis component allows to watch several directories and sends out file events or notifies the request owner so it can…


Aggregate ComponentDefinition abstract class Aggregate [T: TypeTag, K: TypeTag, R: TypeTag](implicit TCTag: ClassTag[T]) extends Cell[AggregateConfig[T, K, R]] DescriptionAbstract component receives messages of an arbitrary type T and produces an aggregation…

An Introduction To Archipelago

Archipelago is a framework for building data processing and delivery services.Archipelago aims to challenge the economics of building and evolving this category of system through pervasive composability, conciseness of expression…

Quick Start Guide

IntroductionWelcomeWe would like to thank you for your interest in Archipelago.PurposeThis guide is intended to help get you started developing your own pipelines and services using Archipelago.We will cover the…